How to make pink gin
Pink gin has been gaining momentum as a fashionable choice among cocktail aficionados and social media influencers since its surge in popularity in the mid-late 2010s. Despite its popularity, many aren’t aware of the simple yet elegant process of making pink gin.
What is pink gin?
Pink gin is a contemporary variation of the classic gin spirit, infused with a blush hue and often boasting a subtly spiced flavour. Traditional gin relies solely on botanicals during distillation for its colour and flavour, but pink gin goes through an additional step. Combining the classic spirit with red and pink berries, spices, and bitters gives pink gin its signature rosy colour and flavour.
Pink Gin Ingredients (makes 70cl)A few dashes of Angostura bitters
(Optional) Lemon Zest, Rosemary, Strawberries, Raspberries, Orange
Steps on how to make pink gin
Gin making is a fascinating blend of science and artistry, transforming simple ingredients into a complex and flavourful spirit. Here are the steps to make the perfect pink gin:
Choose your base ginIt is important to choose a good quality clear and colourless gin made with premium botanicals. A classic gin with a smooth and clean taste will enhance the final flavour and depth of your pink gin. Filey Gin is a perfect, high-quality base for making pink gin.
Choose your gin infusionPink gin is traditionally infused with Angostura bitters. You can also add other ingredients to your gin to get the specific flavour you're aiming for. The most popular choices are herbs like lavender, thyme, or rosemary, or berries and citrus fruits. These will give a more complex taste to your pink gin, however, traditionally, only Angostura bitters are used to create a pink gin.
How much angostura bitters you add to your gin depends on your desired level of intensity, but a few dashes will be enough for a 70cl bottle of gin.
Stir, Strain, and ServeCombine the angostura bitters with the gin along with some ice cubes in a mixing glass and mix well. The angostura bitters will infuse with the gin, and the ice cubes will cool the mixture. Once mixed, strain the mixture into your tumbler glass or favourite gin glass, using a fine mesh strainer to remove the ice and small particles. Serve either neat, the traditional way with a splash of cold water, or as a base for your favourite cocktail.
Garnish (optional)To spruce up your drink, add some complimentary garnish such as a twist of citrus peel, a slice of fresh fruit (Raspberries, Oranges, or Strawberries work well), or a sprig of fresh rosemary.
ConclusionAnd there you have it— that’s how you make your own pink gin! A simple yet artful process. Next time you enjoy a pink gin cocktail, you'll know exactly what's in your glass and the journey it took to get there. Cheers to that!
When was pink gin invented?
Due to its boom in popularity in the 2010s, many have the misconception that pink gin is a fairly recent invention. However, Pink Gin dates back to the 1800s, when the British Navy brought Angostura bitters back to English bars, and the Pink Gin cocktail was born!
Is pink gin high in calories?The calorie content of pink gin can vary depending on the alcohol content, and the additional mixers and garnishes used. Gin itself is not very high in calories compared to other alcoholic beverages such as beer and sugary cocktails, and the angostura bitters added to gin to make pink gin are low in calories themselves. A standard shot of pink gin contains around 97 calories. However, mixing the gin with tonic water or fruit juices is what will add significantly to the calorie count.
What makes pink gin pink?Pink gin infused with berries such as strawberries, raspberries, and pomegranates give the drink a natural pink tint. Artificial or natural colour extracts are also sometimes added to enhance a pink gin’s colour, this could be by adding beetroot, cranberry juice, or an artificial colouring agent.
Can I see Filey Distillery’s Gin making process in person?If you would like to see for yourself how we make our artisanal spirits, join us on a captivating gin-tasting guided tour. Learn the secrets behind the process and flavours that define our award-winning gins.